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The Stanza is a magical library and is located within The Wayne. The current owner is Clara Rhone.


The Stanza is a library hidden in The Wayne that can be accessed through a mirror. The history behind The Stanza is still a mystery but it is thought to be in The Wayne for a really long time. Ms. Clara is The Stanza's chief librarian who works alongside with Tony Stanza, and her granddaughter Goodness will help her as well. The Stanza has a lot of rooms and one of the rooms has a projector that can scan books to reveal a decipher. In the episode Wall-to-Wall Ping-Pong Ball Ansi, Olly, and Saraline got banned from enter The Stanza after protecting Andrei. But later on in Season 2 the ban got lifted and Ansi, Olly, and Saraline is allowed to go in The Stanza.



  • The Stanza is the only library located within the Wayne.
  • Squidjits are protected here.
  • Goodness can just teleport going in The Stanza with her smoke bombs



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